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時間:2011-8-12 10:03:30 點擊:

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and structure 20%

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in the following.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

()1.The studentsget up early every morning.

A.has to B.have to

C.had not to D.had to

()2.They areto eat Chinese food though they have been in America for years.

A.content B.please

C.interested D.fond

()3.They wouldfor Guangzhou the next morning and so they went to bed early.

A.set out B.set about

C.set up D.set to

()4.—Can I help you?

—Id like to have my package,madam.

A.be weighed B.to be weighed

C.to weigh D.weighed

()5.Greatlyas the leading scientist,he was asked to give lectures in many countries.

A.respecting B.respects

C.respected D.to respect

()6.The hen on the grass and an egg yesterday morning.

A.lay,lay B.laid,lay

C.lay,laid D.laid,laid

()7.Its bestEnglish like this.

A.learning B.to learn

C.learns D.learned

()8.was the story the boy told the reporter.

A.What B.All that

C.Such D.So

()9.Mother thoughta clever boy.

A.he is B.him

C.him was D.his

()10.Do you knowthey are getting on well with the project?

A.whether B.what

C.how D.when

()11.The river is.

A.fourmetres wide B.four metres wide

C.fourmetre wide D.four metre wide

()12.—She was late for the party.

—Thatsshe had forgotten the exact time.

A.why B.how


()13.— How much did the new coatyour sister?

— She350 yuan for it.

A.cost; paidB.spend; cost

C.pay; costD.take; paid

()14.Mr Black is the professorI have the greatest respect.

A.to whom B.for whom

C.whom D.who

()15.He will answer your questionsyou ask him.

A.because B.so

C.if D.such

()16.All thisthat knowledge comes from practice.

A.speaks B.proves

C.explains D.teaches

()17.—What did Maria say?


A.Maria said that she likes their uniforms.

B.Maria said that she doesnt like their uniforms.

C.Maria said that she didnt like their uniforms.

D.Maria said that she was like their uniforms.

()18.Switzerland refused tothe two world wars.

A.take part B.take sides in

C.join D.attend

()19.Miss Wang England yesterday.

A.is leaving forB.leave for

C.left forD.will leave for

()20.Love Me Once More,Mom is sothat I cry again and again.

A.moved B.moving

C.moves D.is moving


Ⅱ.Cloze 20%

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following text.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best fills the blank.

Ban the Band(樂隊)?

Every year,our school has a dance for all the students.Its a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful21,instead of the usual school uniform.

Most of us think the dance is great 22 even the teachers enjoy being there.23,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no24band this year-only CDs.

“I dont25it!”Amy cried out during the lunch break.

“Someone said the school couldnt26a band,and they think its too noisy anyway,”added Daniel.

“Well,I dont think its27enough without a band!”declared Angela,“and Im going to see what can be done.”

Angela was as good as her28.In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the29some more thought.And he suggested that one30for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from MYM5 to MYM10.Angela had to31out whether the students would like to do that.

“I need all of you to help me,”she32to your group before school the next day.“Mr.Berry gave me a list of all the names,and suggested we ask each one their33about the band and the extra cost.”

34the day we asked around as Angela suggested,and wrote down peoples feelings about the band and the cost.We were amazed how much35there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra MYM5.

“Im surprised,” smiled Mr.Berry,when we gave him the36.“I really thought that only a few people37their band and that the cost would be too high.OK.Angela,your next38is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”

Angela was all smiles and39the news to Amy and Daniel.“Youre40,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.

()21.A.shapes B.dresses C.flowers D.pictures

()22.A.fun B.work C.effort D.progress

()23.A.Besides B.Otherwise C.However D.Therefore

()24.A.new B.live C.foreign D.marching

()25.A.mean B.need C.accept D.believe

()26.A.lead B.serve C.afford D.form

()27.A.good B.clear C.useful D.easy

()28.A.look B.behavior C.mind D.word

()29.A.schedule B.situation C.view D.action

()30.A.possibility B.concern C.decision D.chance

()31.A.call B.find C.carry D.point

()32.A.admitted B.replied C.apologized D.announced

()33.A.knowledge B.instruction C.opinion D.information

()34.A.On B.For C.By D.During

()35.A.trust B.money C.support D.care

()36.A.results B.notices C.questions D.examples

()37.A.welcomed B.wanted C.defended D.invited

()38.A.task B.business C.exercise D.duty

()39.A.showed B.wrote C.broke D.read

()40.A.amusing B.interesting C.exciting D.amazing


Ⅲ.Reading comprehension 22%

Directions: There are three passages in the following.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.You should decide on the BEST CHOICE.


“Go for it!”

The expression “Go for it!” is a way of encouraging someone to try something.

“Go for it!”means you should not worry about failure or be to careful.You should take a chance,be brave and act firmly.

“Go for it!”gets name from football.Not football as it is played in most countries such as England,Egypt or Japan,but the kind of football played in the United States and Canada.

One of the most exciting times in football comes when a team has failed,after three attempts,to move the ball forward ten yards.The team must make a critical decision.

The conservative (保守) choice is to kick the ball and accept temporary defeat in order to gain a good position for your team the next time it gets the ball.The more exciting choice,however,is to try a fourth and final time to gain the remaining yards needed.People present are certain to shout their advice.Some will shout: “Kick the ball!” But others will encourage the team to take a chance.“Go for it!” They will scream.

In the nineteen eighties,people began using this expression in many kinds of situations to encourage someone to act bravely.

There is no guarantee (保證) that the action you “go for it” will succeed.

But that is the chance you take when you decide to go for it.You put your fears behind.You choose courage over safety.You hold your breath and go for it.

()41.The expression “Go for it!” comes from

A.English footballB.Egyptian football

C.Japanese footballD.American football

()42.According to the passage,when we decide to go for it,we only consider



()43.In which of the following situations should we use the expression nowadays?

A We decide to avoid trouble or danger for the future.

B.We try to improve our English for better education.

C.We need to make a quick decision at the last moment.

D.We have to make a choice between success and failure.


Ⅰ.Vocabulary and structure

1.B 【解析】略。

2.A 【解析】固定搭配be content to表示“樂意做某事”,interested需和in搭配,而fond常構(gòu)成be fond of詞組。

3.A 【解析】略。

4.D 【解析】略。

5.C 【解析】此題考查非謂語動詞的用法。因為邏輯主語he與respect之間為動賓關(guān)系,故用過去分詞形式,表被動(被人尊敬)。

6.C 【解析】略。

7.B 【解析】略。

8.C 【解析】“such”此處用法為形容詞作表語,意為“這(些)、那些(表示已陳述過的內(nèi)容)”。

9.B 【解析】略。

10.A 【解析】略。

11.C 【解析】略。

12.C 【解析】由上下文得知,此句用于闡述說明遲到的原因。此處為“because”引導(dǎo)的表語從句,“because”意為“因為”。

13.A 【解析】略。

14.B 【解析】此處為一介詞提前的定語從句;“have respect for sb.”為固定搭配,意為“尊敬”。

15.C 【解析】略。

16.B 【解析】prove加賓語從句的用法!耙磺卸甲C實了知識來源于實踐”。

17.C 【解析】略。

18.B 【解析】take sides in意為“參戰(zhàn)”。take part需與介詞in搭配。join常指參加某人的游戲/活動;attend常用來指“上課/參加(會議)/列席”等。

19.C 【解析】略。

20.B 【解析】略。


21—25 BACBD26—30 CADBA31—35 BDCDC36—40 ABACD

Ⅲ.Reading comprehension

41—43 DBC

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