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高中英語說課稿:高一英語《Unit-9 It’s raining!》優(yōu)秀說課稿模板

時間:2012-9-28 13:43:11 點擊:

英語說課稿Unit-9 It’s raining!
  Introduce myself.
  一。 Teaching material analysis
  1.Theaching items: This lesson is the first lesson in Unit-9. It’s also a main point in this lesson, which provides an example for the target sentence construction. It’s increases the students synthetic ability of hearing, speaking, reading, writing by reviewing the present continuous tense.
  2. Aims to the teaching:
  A. Aim to the knowledge:
  To learn the target words raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowing in this lesson. The target sentence construction in this lesson is: How is the weather?
  B. Aim to the abilities :
  To improve the students communication ability.
  C. Aims to the emotion:
  To train the students to love our nation, and develop their good charactor.
  3. Difficult and important points:
  To get the local weather information by using their knowledge which they have learnt.
  二。 Teaching method--- the investigative method
  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening 、speaking、reading and writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll  mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation. And in this lesson communication method、scene method and CAI  will be needed.
  三。Study method---the investigative method
  I request the students to study English independenly cooperatively and investigatively. Each unit in Go for it contains pair work, group work and games. The students who sit at the same table and groups can make a discussion and learn each other. It makes each student be relaxed. They needn’t worry about making mistakes. It can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Study becomes more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment.
  四。The time table of teaching steps
  1.      Review. It will take me 7 minutes.
  2.      Presentation. This is the most important part in this lesson. It will take me 32 minutes.
  3.      The study of diffuse thought. It will take me 4 minutes.
  4.      Briefly summary and homework. It will take me 2 minutes
  五。Teaching steps
  I’ll finish this lesson in 5 steps.
  Purpose: To form a better surrounding for the students by speaking and        doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learnt knowledge for the next step.
  1.      Let a student greet and make a duty report.
  2.      Free talk between T and Ss about last unit.
  3.      Review the present continuous tense by software.
  I will make a conversion with the students . I ask ,students answer.The question is:“ What is he doing?” Students answer:“ He is singing.” The second picture,“ What are they doing?” “They are playing chess.”And then  I will let the students ask and answer in pairs using the target sentences “What is he doing?” “What is she doing?”“What are they doing?”。 Make sure the students ask and answer correctly. They can use the words:dance、go to school、swim、play computer games、paint、 watch TV and run.

  The purpose is to present the key words one by one is much easier for the students to learn and grasp the meaming. CAI providea a real situation for students to understand the conversation better.
  I’ll mainly talk about this step.
  1.I’ll use a picture to ask a question: “Is’t raining?” Ss answer:”Yes,it is.” Then I’ll tell them if you want to know the weather, you can ask:“How is the weather?” The answer is:“It’s raining.” “raining ”is a target word and “How is the weather?” is a target sentence. Help the Ss understand the meaning by body language. Then lead the Ss to read the sentences. Make sure they can say them out correctly.I will use the other pictures to teach the target words “windy 、cloudy、sunny and snowing”。
  2.I will use the other pictures to teach the other target words“  windy, sunny cloudy and snowiny.”
  These are the sentences they must master. “How is the weather?” “It’s cloudy”。 “It’s windy.” “It’s sunndy.” “It’s snowing.”               and“It’s raining.”
  3. After they finish learning the target words. I will ask them to open the books and turn to P53. I will teach 1a
  This activity introduces the key words.
  After they finish I will give them the right answers.
  4.We will do listening exercise 1b
  This activity gives student practice in understanding the target language in spoken English.
  The students can listen twice and finish them.
  5.1c pairwork.
  This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
  Ask the students to make a conversation in pairs according to the model.
  6.After they finish, we will go on listening exercises. Look at Page 54-2a.
  At first I will point to the four pictures. Ask students to tell what each person is doing in each picture. For example “The boy is talking on the phone”。 “The men is playing basket.”and so on. Then I will play the tape twice and the Ss number the pictures. I will give them the right answers.
  7.Go on learning 2b. It’s listening exercises,too.
  I will ask a student to read the list of names and another student read the list of activities for the class.Then play the tape twice. The students tisten and match the names and the adivties. After they finish , I will give them the correct answers.
  8. 2c-Pairwork.
  I will ask SS to make conversations in pairs, I’ll ask some pairs to present their conversations to the elass.
  9.After learning the text. I will let Ss do some more oral exercises.
  This is a weather report. I’ll let the students make a conversation in pairs with the weather information using the target words and sentences.

作者:不詳 來源:網絡
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